NGO Conferences and Camps

Society has a deep need for the great work that so many NGO’s do. It is truly amazing how caring the human heart can be to reach out and touch lives motivated purely by the reason of helping those in need. There are many NGO’s each helping diverse needs in society and in communities. From reaching out to troubled teens, to helping those with disabilities, to training those who work in communities, the vast scope of change brought about by South Africa’s NGO community is huge and we salute you for your great work and we salute the sponsors who make this work happen.

It is with huge appreciation and a heart of gratitude that we offer our service and facilities to our NGO community. True North Camp has the facilities to create great conferences for training events to be done at or for groups to bring their respective members to participate in one of our custom built programs. Our greatest passion is to promote, stimulate, ignite and encourage life change and it the NGO community that often engages at the coalface with those in need of life change. It is the good work that they do and our part in helping them does it that energises us.

We have seen the blind do activities that they didn’t think they could do. We have seen former drug addicts enjoy life changing experiences on camp as part of their rehabilitation program and we have seen workers in underprivileged communities become equipped to deal with the harsh realities that face the people they influence. Our role may be a small role in the big picture of the work of our NGO clients, but it is a work that we do with pride and passion.

Request a Quote for your NGO Conference or Camp

We also understand that many times, budget and cost is a factor when planning NGO Conferences and Camps. To best assist our NGO clients with their conferences and camps, please feel free to submit your details below and if your event is midweek and out of school holidays, you would qualify for our NGO discounts or free services.

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